Camp Kernop
Camp Kernop is Metro Baptist Association’s Christian camp in northern Madison County, in the Camden community. In 1997, Mrs. Nettie Marie Kernop, from the Camden community, gave the association 200 acres of land. She wanted a Christian Children’s Camp built on this property.
Due to the lack of funds, the land sat dormant until 2007. At this time, we received the architectural drawing for the camp. In January, 2007 she told us to expect a call from her banker, as she had some money for us to start the camp development, which he desired to have for children to come to the Lord. The amount Mrs. Kernop gave the association to begin development of the camp was $431,000. Three months later, Mrs. Kernop passed away suddenly at 93 years old.
The lodge is finished now and used by many of our MBA churches. The pavilion is in process and will be used for youth and children. Eventually, there will be cabins constructed for overnight use by the children and youth.
For reservations, contact Telisa Ital at Metro Baptist Association, 601-362-8676 or
Guidelines and Information
We are glad that you have chosen to use Camp Kernop. Here are a few guidelines that might help you have an enjoyable experience.


You will need to bring all paper products: plates, napkins, paper towels, plastic eating utensils. Also, bring all the food, drinks, condiments, and seasonings. The nearest store is five miles from the camp and it has limited supplies and it is only open during the day. If you want to eat it, bring it.

Teaching Resources
Tables and Chairs

We also have a very comfortable furnishings around the fireplace.
Because you asked
If you have other questions, please call us at Metro Baptist Association: 601-362-8676.